Articles Tagged: australia

Where Do You Find Yourself? Space, Play, and Duty in the Australian Digital Library

Matt Finch

Reading Time: 9 minutes Matt Finch is the 2016 Creative in Residence at the State Library of Queensland, Australia and a project worker at British Library Labs. In this post, Matt explores how digital literature, facilitated by libraries, can create playful interactive spaces that are truly democratic, responsive to local geography, and open to a wider range of voices…. Read more »

Story Above All Else: Story+ 2014

Reading Time: 3 minutes Story+ is a two-day event at Brisbane Writers Festival which explores the intersection of story, narrative, technology and design. This year the one theme that consistently emerged from the discussions, panels and workshops was that story towers above all mediums. As Portal Entertainment’s Mike Jones explained in his keynote, no technology has ever changed what… Read more »

Australia Council for the Arts Digital Writing Residency Opportunity

The Writing Platform

Reading Time: < 1 minute Applications for the Cube Production Residency Program are now open to writers with experience in delivering high-quality literary programs whose practice intersects digital media, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). The Cube is one of the world’s largest digital interactive learning and display spaces, and is part of the Science and Engineering Centre at Queensland University of… Read more »