Call for Articles on the Future of Digital Storytelling

Posted filed under Featured, News.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This year, The Writing Platform turns ten years old. To celebrate a decade of sharing knowledge and expertise around digital innovation in how we make and publish stories we are commissioning articles on the future of digital storytelling to imagine what the next ten years might hold. 

We want to publish articles of approx 750 to 2,000 words on all aspects of innovative storytelling through new forms of narrative delivery and audience interaction. We are looking for articles on storytelling that makes creative use of new technologies or creative ways of repurposing older technologies. These might be reflections on developing your own project or on current issues in digital storytelling. We are particularly interested in emerging writing processes, including co-collaboration and co-creation with generative AI and other forms of data-driven storytelling, such as ambient literature. We are interested in the debates and concerns around AI and creativity and are keen to publish articles that grapple with the benefits and risks of AI from a range of perspectives. 

We are also looking for articles that revisit the topics of our early articles with a reflection on what has changed. For example, you might want to give your advice on how to create a storyworld, create characters or  create plot or reflect on why print still matters in the digital age, poetry or transmedia storytelling.

As always, our attention is on narrative storytelling and poetry and we are interested in experimentation, personalisation and playfulness with form and content as well as technological innovation. We welcome articles with an international focus.

Your proposed article might fit into one of the following categories; 

Resource: for example, a how-to guide

Research: for example, a paper, article or overview of a research project from an academic or practitioner perspective

Experience: for example, an account of a storytelling experience or writing process that you have experienced or developed

News: for example, highlighting a new project or opportunity in the field that our readers might not have heard of before

Projects: for example, a reflection on a project that you have developed or one that you have been inspired by 

We are looking for 750 – 2,000 word articles, including 2 to 3 images. We have a small commissioning fund of £100 per article for freelancers and non-salaried researchers. 

To propose an article, email us at with a 100 word overview of your idea and tell us which category or categories it would best fit into. 

We have a rolling deadline for submissions and would advise you getting in touch ASAP to discuss your proposed article. 

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