The Writing Platform Panel at the 2013 Newcastle Writing Conference

The Writing Platform Team

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The Newcastle Writing Conference presents an opportunity for new and emerging fiction writers to explore and learn about trends in publishing, new markets for writing, as well as a chance to connect with other authors and industry experts.

The conference is presented by New Writing North and Northumbria University and will approach the publishing industry from a writer’s perspective, with a focus on how to break into writing, market trends and the state of the bookseller industry.

The Literary Platform will host a Writing Platform panel in the afternoon, introducing this new online space for writers: The Writing Platform is a free online guide for writers at all stages and of all genres, to best online practice and writing in a digital age.

The Literary Platform founder Sophie Rochester will chair the panel, with author speakers; Chris Rickaby, Lisa GeeEwan Morrison and Tony White.

Saturday 4 May, 9.30am-5.30pm

Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne

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