Articles Tagged: online

The Writing Platform Panel at the 2013 Newcastle Writing Conference

The Writing Platform Team

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Newcastle Writing Conference presents an opportunity for new and emerging fiction writers to explore and learn about trends in publishing, new markets for writing, as well as a chance to connect with other authors and industry experts. The conference is presented by New Writing North and Northumbria University and will approach the publishing industry… Read more »

Jacob Sam-La Rose: the impact of digital on writing

Words of Colour Productions

Reading Time: < 1 minute Word of Colour Productions interviewed the self confessed tech geek, writer and editor Jacob Sam-La Rose on the impact of digital platforms and trends on his writing for The Writing Platform. In 2012, Jacob’s poetry collection ‘Breaking Silence’ (Bloodaxe) was shortlisted for both the Forward Felix Dennis Award and the Aldeburgh Fenton Award. A techie… Read more »

Anyone Can Play: Platforms for experimenting and collaborating

Joanna Ellis

Reading Time: 4 minutes The survey conducted by The Writing Platform prior to launch firmly busted the ‘writer in the garret’ myth. Over 60% of the writers who responded expressed a desire to collaborate and a significant portion also expressed a hunger to experiment and push the boundaries of their creative practice. Experimentation and collaboration come in many guises,… Read more »

A Writer’s guide to online discussion forums

Kristen Harrison, The Curved House

Reading Time: 3 minutes Discussion forums or “chat rooms” are online websites where people engage in conversations around particular topics in the form of a question and answer style thread. A chat room is similar, except the conversation happens in real time. The principles are broadly the same for both forums and chatrooms so this article should give you… Read more »

Website or Social Media: The modern writer’s conundrum

Kristen Harrison, The Curved House

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’re considering developing your web presence you are probably wondering whether it’s better to build a website, start a blog, or join Twitter, Facebook and the many other social media platforms available today. If you are lucky enough to have the golden trifecta: time, ability and money, then by all means, do it all!… Read more »

A Quick Guide to Facebook

Kristen Harrison at The Curved House

Reading Time: 4 minutes Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites globally, with a little over a billion users worldwide (as of September 2012). If used properly, Facebook can be an invaluable marketing tool for authors. What kind of Facebook Account do I need? There are two main types of Facebook presence: 1) Personal Profiles A… Read more »