PoetryFilm Open Call for Submissions

Posted filed under News.

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PoetryFilm, launched in 2002 by Malgorzata Kitowski, celebrates films based on poems, poems turned into films, collaborations, text-based films, and other avant-garde text/image/sound  material.

It is  inviting submissions for a forthcoming series. All themes and topics are welcome. There are also a number of specific themed events coming so work exploring these topics is particularly welcome:

  •  Sound-informed material exploring the role of sound
  • Material exploring balance, solstice, cycles, symmetry
  •  Material exploring mathematics/science

Material will be considered for all forthcoming events starting in April and continuing throughout the year.

To submit your work send this completed PoetryFilm Submission Form, together with your work to:



PoetryFilm, First Floor, 85 Harwood Road, Fulham, London SW6 4QL.

Find out more about PoetryFilm.

Find out more about the art of Film Poetry in this article on the subject by poet and novelist Lucy English.



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