Reading Time: 8 minutes Live theatre performance in XR (extended reality), which includes both Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), is a rapidly growing field of digital drama that sits at the convergence of immersive theatre and interactive games design. While a number of theatre companies have adapted their existing work for VR, (notably the Royal Shakespeare Company… Read more »
Articles Tagged: Theatre
Can you believe your ears?
Ellie Chadwick
Reading Time: 8 minutes I love when I am working on a project that involves binaural sound with someone who hasn’t heard binaural sound before. Handing them a pair of headphones, playing them something and seeing them physically react by touching their head to make sure that the invisible electric razor buzzing near their ears isn’t really giving them… Read more »
Writing Stories for XR
Harrison Willmott
Reading Time: 7 minutes I love location-based promenade theatre. I feel immersed in the narrative, surrounded by actors, music and lights. One of my favourite things to do is see if I can break my own suspension of disbelief. When I am aware that I’m not fully engaged with the theatre, and I am in that state of 4th… Read more »
Leaving Space at the Table
Nathan Sibthorpe
Reading Time: 5 minutes Democracy is starting to feel uncomfortable. In 2016, we saw the rise of the ‘silent majority’ with Trump, Brexit, and the return of One Nation. In the most recent Australian election, all of our polling was proven wrong with another surprise victory going to the major right-wing party. It doesn’t matter how often this same… Read more »