Digital Corsham Lunchtime Talks: Naomi Alderman

Posted filed under Experience.

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Writer Kate Pullinger, Editor of The Writing Platform, is also a professor at Bath Spa University, co-sponsors of The Writing Platform. At Bath Spa, Pullinger runs a series of lunchtime talks, aimed at all the postgraduate writing students who study at the Corsham Court Campus. These talks, Digital Corsham, are given by writers, academics, publishers, and pundits, all of whom are interested in writing and publishing in the digital age. The talks are filmed for The Writing Platform.

This first short film in the Digital Corsham series features Naomi Alderman, a novelist who also writes games. Here Naomi talks about her experience as a game-player, what lead her into writing for games, and how games provide ways of telling stories.

Further viewing: Philip Hensher and Charlotte Abbott Digital Corsham talks.

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