Articles Tagged: app

Screenshots: A Modern Ghost

Reading Time: < 1 minute Screenshots is a weekly feature by Simon Groth, highlighting a project, app, or other resource of interest. A Modern Ghost By Stef Orzech My writer-bias is showing in the byline above since this app’s creators take great pains to attribute it collectively to AltSalt, the ‘digital literature studio’ from which it emerged. Indeed, the drive… Read more »

Fabler is Here: Diary Entry #4, Bursary 2013


Reading Time: 2 minutes A second diary entry from 2013 Writing Platform bursary winners actor and writer Ben Gwalchmai and James Wheale; this team used the bursary to build on their existing work on story and movement and build a prototype of a mobile app called Fabler. Fabler enables users to experience story through movement: stories will play when the user… Read more »

Fabler – The Story So Far: Diary Entry #1, Bursary 2013


Reading Time: 2 minutes The first of two teams awarded The Writing Platform bursary fill us in on their progress: Actor and writer Ben Gwalchmai and poet and developer James Wheale used the bursary to build on their existing work on story and movement and build a prototype of a mobile app called Fabler. Fabler enables users to experience story through movement: stories… Read more »

5 Good Online Productivity Tools For Writers

Molly Flatt

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ah, tools. Such a seductive word, with that tactile, workmanlike ring. And such seductive implications. Accumulating tools feels like the very opposite of time wasting. Tools promise to transform us into humble, brine-browed word-carpenters, conscientiously whittling our masterpieces in brain-workshops full of sunshine and space, while topless, and grunting. In short, tools rule. Of course,… Read more »

Digital Corsham Lunchtime Talks: Naomi Alderman

Reading Time: < 1 minute Writer Kate Pullinger, Editor of The Writing Platform, is also a professor at Bath Spa University, co-sponsors of The Writing Platform. At Bath Spa, Pullinger runs a series of lunchtime talks, aimed at all the postgraduate writing students who study at the Corsham Court Campus. These talks, Digital Corsham, are given by writers, academics, publishers,… Read more »