Reading Time: 8 minutes WALLPAPER is an atmospheric and interactive work of short fiction written and created by Andy Campbell and Judi Alston. It premiered as an installation at Bank Street Arts gallery in Sheffield – the first time a work of digital fiction has been developed specifically for a gallery space. We spoke with Andy and Judi about the inspiration… Read more »
Articles Tagged: game
Bath Spa PHD Studentships in Digital Creative Writing
The Writing Platform Team
Reading Time: < 1 minute PhD Studentships for practice-based digital creative writing, writing for games, and transmedia at Bath Spa University Bath Spa University has a very strong creative writing PhD programme (both campus based and low residency). With the Sept 2012 professorial appointments of Kate Pullinger and Naomi Alderman, the university is rapidly increasing the presence of digital literature,… Read more »
Anyone Can Play: Platforms for experimenting and collaborating
Joanna Ellis
Reading Time: 4 minutes The survey conducted by The Writing Platform prior to launch firmly busted the ‘writer in the garret’ myth. Over 60% of the writers who responded expressed a desire to collaborate and a significant portion also expressed a hunger to experiment and push the boundaries of their creative practice. Experimentation and collaboration come in many guises,… Read more »
Digital Corsham Lunchtime Talks: Naomi Alderman
Reading Time: < 1 minute Writer Kate Pullinger, Editor of The Writing Platform, is also a professor at Bath Spa University, co-sponsors of The Writing Platform. At Bath Spa, Pullinger runs a series of lunchtime talks, aimed at all the postgraduate writing students who study at the Corsham Court Campus. These talks, Digital Corsham, are given by writers, academics, publishers,… Read more »