Call for Articles on Audio Storytelling

The Writing Platform

Posted filed under Featured, News.

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The Writing Platform is looking to commission articles of approx 750 to 2,000 words on aspects of innovative audio storytelling, from podcasts and interactive storytelling using smart speakers, to binaural storyscapes and audio walks. We are interested in experimentation, personalisation and playfulness with form and content. The articles will be published on The Writing Platform website between January and March 2021.

Your proposed article might fit into one of the following categories; 

Resource: for example, a how-to guide on an aspect of audio storytelling.

Research: for example, an overview of a research project from an academic or practitioner perspective.

Experience: for example, an account of an audio experience that you have experienced or developed.

News: for example, highlighting a new project or opportunity in the field that our readers might not have heard of before.

Projects:  for example, a reflection on a project that you have developed or one that you have been inspired by. 

We are also looking for articles on digital storytelling in activism and social change, to be published on The Writing Platform between April and June 2021, and in virtual, augmented and mixed reality to be published between July and September 2021. 

We are looking for 750 – 2,000 word articles, including 2 to 3 images. We have a small commissioning fund for freelancers. 

To propose an article, email Amy Spencer ( with a 100 word overview of your idea and tell us which category or categories it would best fit into. 

We have a rolling deadline for submissions and would advise you getting in touch asap to discuss your proposed article. 

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