Articles Tagged: opportunity

Call for Articles on Activism and Social Change through Storytelling

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Writing Platform is looking to commission articles of approx 750 to 2,000 words on the established and emerging methods of digital activism, and new approaches to advocating for social change through storytelling. This might include, for example, innovations in community digital storytelling, immersive technologies to amplify under-represented voices, social media narratives, transmedia activism and… Read more »

Call for Articles on Audio Storytelling

The Writing Platform

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Writing Platform is looking to commission articles of approx 750 to 2,000 words on aspects of innovative audio storytelling, from podcasts and interactive storytelling using smart speakers, to binaural storyscapes and audio walks. We are interested in experimentation, personalisation and playfulness with form and content. The articles will be published on The Writing Platform… Read more »

Bringing short story form into the 21st century: a call for bold and inspiring ideas

Reading Time: 3 minutes Storytelling forms an integral part of our understanding of the world. Historically, traditional literary forms saw us give entirely to the storyteller as a submissive listener, but with the rise of technology and an ever-growing experience economy we are leaning more and more towards active consumption. Theatre, traditionally seen as a passive experience, is rapidly… Read more »

Calling Digital Writers: The Beyond the Book Commission

Reading Time: 2 minutes “Is the smartphone – always with us, always on – the perfect reading device?” – Kate Pullinger (Writer and Professor of Creative Writing and Digital Media at Bath Spa University) The newly launched Beyond the Book commission is for digital writers with a connection to the South West of England who want to answer this question. Developed by… Read more »

Scholarships announced for Vancouver Digital Pathways Summer School

Reading Time: < 1 minute Digital Pathways workshop are offering a limited number of scholarships for the: Pathways: Creating Digital Fiction with Kate Pullinger workshops  June 9 – 13 2014  The Writing Platform editor and award-winning author and digital fiction pioneer Kate Pullinger will be running a Digital Pathways summer school in Vancouver this June; a week-long immersive writing/authoring workshop, aimed at writers who… Read more »