Articles Tagged: call for articles

Call for Articles on the Future of Digital Storytelling

Reading Time: 2 minutes This year, The Writing Platform turns ten years old. To celebrate a decade of sharing knowledge and expertise around digital innovation in how we make and publish stories we are commissioning articles on the future of digital storytelling to imagine what the next ten years might hold.  We want to publish articles of approx 750… Read more »

Call for Articles on Storytelling in Immersive Media

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Writing Platform is commissioning articles of approx 750 to 2,000 words on all aspects of storytelling through new forms of narrative delivery and audience interaction in immersive media. We want to understand the role of emerging technologies in developing new forms of experiential storytelling and audience engagement, from digital fiction, audio and performance through… Read more »

New Beginnings: The Writing Platform Issue a Call for Articles

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Writing Platform launched four years ago as a website and programme of live events dedicated to arming writers with digital knowledge. Set up by The Literary Platform and Kate Pullinger with initial support from Arts Council England, its current sponsors are Bath Spa University and Queensland University of Technology. The Writing Platform is now… Read more »