Articles Tagged: AI

Designing a VR Experience in a Covid-19 World

Reading Time: 11 minutes In September 2019, five months before the pandemic, I moved to Toronto to begin a PhD at York University. I had been to the city before, and as I was a new international student  I thought I would make new social connections in school. However, in February 2020 the world transformed into its virtual ‘metaverse’… Read more »

Opportunity: AI Story Lab

Reading Time: 2 minutes From talking to Alexa, to using virtual reality and tech in immersive theatre, to the way we interact with characters in games, to innovations in TV narrative such as Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch, a revolution in creating stories and characters is underway. This revolution is driven by AI (Artificial Intelligence). Innovation in machine learning will see… Read more »

Who owns digital stories?

Reading Time: 6 minutes This is an abridged version of a keynote speech delivered at the MIX Conference 2019 With the increasing convergence between creative industries and artificial intelligence, there is an emerging misunderstanding of how the tech world sees creativity, and this is important for publishers, authors and the broader creative industries. To frame this, it is important… Read more »