Articles Tagged: mix

MIX 2021: Amplified Publishing

Reading Time: 2 minutes Are you interested in the future of content publishing? Are you a writer, artist, technologist or researcher engaged in finding new ways to tell stories to new audiences? Are you keen to hear from people working across books, digital, sound, video, AR, VR, and games? Held virtually this year, MIX 2021 offers an opportunity to… Read more »

Who owns digital stories?

Reading Time: 6 minutes This is an abridged version of a keynote speech delivered at the MIX Conference 2019 With the increasing convergence between creative industries and artificial intelligence, there is an emerging misunderstanding of how the tech world sees creativity, and this is important for publishers, authors and the broader creative industries. To frame this, it is important… Read more »

Call for Papers: MIX 2019: Experiential Storytelling

Reading Time: 2 minutes After the success of the last four MIX conferences, MIX 2019 returns to the beautiful surroundings of Bath Spa University’s Corsham Court Campus in Wiltshire on the 1st and 2nd July 2019. This year’s conference will be a more intimate, single strand version, curated for a smaller audience to give time and space to instigate… Read more »

Digital workshops for writers at Mix 2013

The Writing Platform Team

Reading Time: < 1 minute Following the success of the MIX DIGITAL Conference 2012, The Writing Platform is partnering with Bath Spa University to co-host a second MIX Conference this July. The three-day series of events will take place at Bath Spa University’s Corsham Court campus, a Grade One-listed Jacobean mansion in the bucolic Wiltshire landscape. Day Three of the… Read more »