Articles Tagged: Art Books

The Book as Recombinant Structure: A Century of Art and Experimental Books

Reading Time: 9 minutes The following is an excerpt from Amaranth Borsuk’s The Book, part of the ‘Essential Knowledge’ Series from MIT Press. This chapter explores the various ways writers and artists for more than a hundred years have approached the book as an object and a structure that can be cut up and rearranged as early examples of ‘digital’… Read more »

The Muted Gestures of Small Press

Reading Time: 6 minutes As a publisher of short-run artist books, I often feel like each publication I make is being thrown into a forest. I run over, look around, repeatedly glance over my spreadsheet of sales, and wonder if it has made a sound. With the proliferation of e-books, blogs, and other (free) forms of online publishing, the… Read more »

The New Publisher: Hercules Editions

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hercules Editions is a London-based publisher of books that combine poetry and art and archival material. It emerged from a one-off creative collaboration between poet Tamar Yoseloff and designer Vici MacDonald and evolved into a small independent press. We spoke with Tamar about how Hercules Editions came into being, her novel approach to publishing, and… Read more »