Articles Tagged: digital publishing

Breathe – a digital ghost story

Reading Time: 3 minutes What happens when a story comes to you where you are reading? What new types of storytelling are made possible when narrative accesses technology to personalise itself to you? Breathe is a digital ghost story to be read on your phone. It tells the story of a young woman, Flo, who can communicate with the… Read more »

Lilian’s Spell Book – My Wattpad Novel

Reading Time: 8 minutes I have tried again and again to become another person. I have spent years trying to think my way into different people’s heads, language, rhythms. These people have sometimes been real people. More often they have been narrators and characters. Sometimes, though, they have been writers – writers I tried to be. One was the… Read more »

Versions of Paradise

Reading Time: 5 minutes Recently, my collection of flash fiction, The Paradise Project, was published simultaneously as an ebook and in a book-arts edition using technology that would have been familiar to Johannes Gutenberg: hand-set type impressed on handmade paper with a hand-operated press. As the two versions progressed, I had a stunning realisation: publishing has circled back to its… Read more »

NEW: PhD Studentship in Digital Publishing and Reading

Reading Time: 5 minutes Bath Spa University’s Graduate College and the British Library invite applications for a fully funded AHRC PhD studentship on the topic of ‘Digital Publishing and The Reader: Interactions between Readers and Writers of Creative Texts in Digital Environments’. Closing date: 23:59 (GMT) Monday 2 May, 2016. Interview date: Tuesday 17 May, 2016. The studentship will… Read more »

Book Design in an era of Digital Formats and Self Publishing

Reading Time: 5 minutes “Design works not because people understand or even appreciate it but because it works subliminally.” – Erik Spiekerman Erik Spiekerman is one of the world’s most renowned book designers and typesetters, with over 323,000 followers on Twitter. We interviewed him last year at Reedsy and left us with this perfect quote. The core principle of… Read more »

The New Publisher: Mikrotext Finds Beauty In Short Text

Reading Time: 4 minutes The publishing industry has undergone many changes over the last few years, many of which can be attributed to the disruptions brought about by digital technologies. Alongside the rise of self-/ indie- publishing we are also seeing new types of publisher emerge, publishers who are turning traditional models and methods on their head and finding… Read more »

Why Print Still Matters in the Digital Age

Reading Time: 4 minutes is an online publishing community and social-sharing site for book-lovers which helps self-published writers to publish quality print editions at competitive prices. We spoke to Anna Lewis, co-founder of Completely Novel, about why print is still important in the digital age. — Are print books still relevant for independent authors? With eBook sales on the… Read more »

A Short History of the Networked Novel

Reading Time: 3 minutes Digital technologies have given writers countless opportunities to experiment and play. New forms of digital writing are possible online and writers are embracing their potential. They give us a chance to reconsider our roles as writers and provide us with unexpected ways to connect with our readers. The networked novel has emerged over the past… Read more »

Digital Corsham Lunchtime Talks: Charlotte Abbott

Reading Time: < 1 minute Writer Kate Pullinger, Editor of The Writing Platform, is also a professor at Bath Spa University, co-sponsors of The Writing Platform. At Bath Spa, Pullinger runs a series of lunchtime talks, aimed at all the postgraduate writing students who study at the Corsham Court Campus. These talks, Digital Corsham, are given by writers, academics, publishers,… Read more »