Articles Tagged: print

A book in half a billion

Reading Time: 6 minutes When writers discuss plot and pacing in narrative craft, especially in creative writing classes, we often talk about the curve of stories, the rise and fall in tension that characterises the most common story structures. Now usually, at least in my experience, that curve is not something a writer actively thinks about while composing a… Read more »

Why Print Still Matters in the Digital Age

Reading Time: 4 minutes is an online publishing community and social-sharing site for book-lovers which helps self-published writers to publish quality print editions at competitive prices. We spoke to Anna Lewis, co-founder of Completely Novel, about why print is still important in the digital age. — Are print books still relevant for independent authors? With eBook sales on the… Read more »

Understanding What Readers Want

Kassia Krozser

Reading Time: 9 minutes I don’t remember learning to read, but I clearly remember the day I learned I could read. I was entrusted with a note for my lovely kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hicks. The note asked that I be excused from school for a doctor’s appointment. As I – quite possibly for the first time in my life… Read more »