Posts By: Editor

The Impacts of Interactive Storytelling: A Case Study of Jupiter Ascending

Reading Time: 3 minutes Warning: the following contains potentially crucial, but mostly lukewarm, spoilers for the film “Jupiter Ascending”. Consider yourself notified. My first critical thought on viewing the latest Wachowski filmsprawl actually wasn’t one. And by stating this, I’m not intending any smartarse obscuration, though I am aware that even using that term “filmsprawl” could firmly place me… Read more »

The New Media Writing Prize: The First Five Years

Reading Time: 6 minutes Beginning in 2010, the New Media Writing Prize has been the only competition in the world to open its digital doors to every kind of online, multi-media, interactive storytelling, whether amateur, professionally funded, solo, or collaborative. The competition has placed no boundaries around definitions of literature or game – the only requirements for eligibility have… Read more »

Labyrinths, Redstones and a Chicken Called Ted: Bursary 2015, Diary 4

Reading Time: < 1 minute Victoria Bennett and Adam Clarke form one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.  Victoria’s and Adam’s project uses Minecraft to immerse the player in the experience of a poem and expand the idea of what literature and video games can be…. Read more »

Adventures with CB Radio: Bursary 2015, Diary 3

Reading Time: 4 minutes Kelly Jones and Linda Sandvik are one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University. Writer, Kelly, and technologist, Linda, applied to the programme as individuals and were paired by the selection panel because of their shared interests, complementary skill and their… Read more »

Funding opportunities for digital writers through Arts Council England

Reading Time: 4 minutes The Writing Platform has partnered with Arts Council England to run an advice session about funding for digital writers. The event is taking place on Wednesday 8th April, 6.30pm – 8.30pm at Arts Council’s London offices 21 Bloomsbury street, London, WC1B 3HF Places are free but limited to 20. To book your place email Charlotte Aston on… Read more »

Building Words in Minecraft: Bursary 2015, Diary 2

Reading Time: < 1 minute Victoria Bennett and Adam Clarke form one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.  Victoria’s and Adam’s project uses Minecraft to immerse the player in the experience of a poem and expand the idea of what literature and video games can be…. Read more »

Copyright: Attacking or Evolving?

Reading Time: < 1 minute The arguments over copyright and copyright law in the digital age have been rumbling along for years now, sometimes erupting into mainstream view, other times sinking back beneath the public radar once again. In Canada a small tweak to copyright legislation resulted in a large loss of income for many writers when the principle of… Read more »

Statues, Sheds and Soup-er Wi-Fi: Bursary 2015, Diary 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes Kelly Jones and Linda Sandvik are one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University. Writer, Kelly, and technologist, Linda, applied to the programme as individuals and were paired by the selection panel because of their shared interests, complementary skill and their… Read more »

Competition Call: New Artwork for MediaWall

Reading Time: < 1 minute Bath Spa University have launched a competition to create an interactive literary artwork for their MediaWall, to be launched at MIX DIGITAL 3: Writing Digital conference (2-4 July 2015).  The deadline for applications is midnight GMT on Sunday 8th March 2015 Bath Spa University will support the creation of the new artwork with two short funded residencies and… Read more »