Posts By: Editor

7 Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make

Reading Time: 2 minutes The book publishing industry is going through a huge transition. It’s easier than ever to get a book out into the world. All the resources you need to publish a book are available you and you no longer need to go through the traditional gatekeepers (publishers) to publish a quality book. Because it’s so easy… Read more »

Jason Nelson announced as Digital Writer in Residence at The Cube, QUT

Reading Time: < 1 minute Queensland University of Technology and the Australia Council for the Arts Literature Board have announced Jason Nelson as the second Digital Writer in Residence at The Cube. The Cube is one of the world’s largest digital interactive learning and display spaces, and is part of the Science and Engineering Centre at Queensland University of Technology. The Digital Writing Residency offers… Read more »

Writing Subversive Games: Pitfalls and Potentials

Mez Breeze

Reading Time: 5 minutes One rainy evening somewhere at the early end of 1997, I found myself hepped up on adrenaline while zigzagging through a dungeon. Even though I was being hunted through mazelike hallways by grappling-hook-flinging assailants, I still somehow managed to maintain my grasp on a large red flag and ebony nail gun. …and thus was my… Read more »

PoetryFilm Open Call for Submissions

Reading Time: < 1 minute PoetryFilm, launched in 2002 by Malgorzata Kitowski, celebrates films based on poems, poems turned into films, collaborations, text-based films, and other avant-garde text/image/sound  material. It is  inviting submissions for a forthcoming series. All themes and topics are welcome. There are also a number of specific themed events coming so work exploring these topics is particularly… Read more »

Scholarships announced for Vancouver Digital Pathways Summer School

Reading Time: < 1 minute Digital Pathways workshop are offering a limited number of scholarships for the: Pathways: Creating Digital Fiction with Kate Pullinger workshops  June 9 – 13 2014  The Writing Platform editor and award-winning author and digital fiction pioneer Kate Pullinger will be running a Digital Pathways summer school in Vancouver this June; a week-long immersive writing/authoring workshop, aimed at writers who… Read more »

5 Examples of Transmedia Storytelling and Activism

Donna Hancox

Reading Time: 5 minutes At the start of the year our Australian Project Editor, Donna Hancox, wrote a piece for us on Transmedia Storytelling and Social Change; describing how digital technology has provided certain communities and activists with the means to quickly create and widely disseminate stories. To follow on from this she has written up 5 examples of this… Read more »

Richard House on the Digital Development of The Kills

Richard House

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s a little tricky trying to recall just how ‘The Kills‘ developed. The books were pitched as a series of inter-related novels, and in the first discussion with publisher Paul Baggaley and editor Kris Doyle, it became obvious that Picador, if they took on the project, would want to do more than publish the novel… Read more »

Australia Council for the Arts Digital Writing Residency Opportunity

The Writing Platform

Reading Time: < 1 minute Applications for the Cube Production Residency Program are now open to writers with experience in delivering high-quality literary programs whose practice intersects digital media, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). The Cube is one of the world’s largest digital interactive learning and display spaces, and is part of the Science and Engineering Centre at Queensland University of… Read more »