Articles Tagged: games

Embracing the unknown in The Under Presents

Reading Time: 5 minutes Have you ever felt your skin prick up as you walked into a foreign environment? Throughout my life there have been times where I’ve entered an unknown venue, be it when exploring the world as a solo traveller, or starting a new job. The mixture of excitement and anxiety that I’ve associated with an entry… Read more »

Screenshots: All the Delicate Duplicates

Reading Time: < 1 minute Screenshots is a regular feature by Simon Groth, highlighting a project, app, or other resource of interest. All the Delicate Duplicates By Mez Breeze and Andy Campbell Can a first-person gaming environment be used to tell a story? Of course! But, typically in experiences of this type, the balance between story and game falls heavily… Read more »

Five Things I Learned from Episodic

Reading Time: 3 minutes There were a lot of things to like about the Episodic conference that took place in London in October. Run by the Storythings team, it featured a range of interesting speakers working in podcasts, games, comics, and TV, an engaging host in Anna Higgs, and a lovely, friendly audience. I hope they do another one…. Read more »

Why I Love RPGs

Reading Time: 5 minutes Now more than ever, writers are moving away from traditional narratives and towards interactive and experimental storytelling. Role-Playing Games (RPG) enable each participant to assume the role of a character that can interact within the game’s imaginary world. Participants create in-depth storylines and develop highly complex skills in character development and pacing. And with a… Read more »

My Mother’s House: A Minecraft Poem

Reading Time: < 1 minute Victoria Bennett and Adam Clarke form one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.  Victoria’s and Adam’s project uses Minecraft to immerse the player in the experience of a poem and expand the idea of what literature and video games can be…. Read more »

The Impacts of Interactive Storytelling: A Case Study of Jupiter Ascending

Reading Time: 3 minutes Warning: the following contains potentially crucial, but mostly lukewarm, spoilers for the film “Jupiter Ascending”. Consider yourself notified. My first critical thought on viewing the latest Wachowski filmsprawl actually wasn’t one. And by stating this, I’m not intending any smartarse obscuration, though I am aware that even using that term “filmsprawl” could firmly place me… Read more »

Labyrinths, Redstones and a Chicken Called Ted: Bursary 2015, Diary 4

Reading Time: < 1 minute Victoria Bennett and Adam Clarke form one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.  Victoria’s and Adam’s project uses Minecraft to immerse the player in the experience of a poem and expand the idea of what literature and video games can be…. Read more »

Building Words in Minecraft: Bursary 2015, Diary 2

Reading Time: < 1 minute Victoria Bennett and Adam Clarke form one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.  Victoria’s and Adam’s project uses Minecraft to immerse the player in the experience of a poem and expand the idea of what literature and video games can be…. Read more »