Reading Time: < 1 minute Screenshots is a regular feature by Simon Groth, highlighting a project, app, or other resource of interest. A Poem Floats by Pascalle Burton How much can you say using only thirteen words? What if you could animate those thirteen words across 793 frames? Contributing to the long tradition of works that blur the boundary between… Read more »
Articles Tagged: animated poem
Between Fjords And Power Cords: The Fulbright Adventures Of Writing Digital in Norway
Jason Nelson
Reading Time: 7 minutes Syringes And Walls And Foundations It’s December, midway through my Fulbright year in Bergen, Norway. My wife, digital artist Alinta Krauth and I live on the third floor of a mansion. It’s a stately building landed on a high hump between mountains and waterways and owned by the University of Bergen. The building is, like… Read more »