Articles Tagged: AR

Micro-mapping Apartheid: Archives, Stories and AR


Reading Time: 10 minutes We are two academics who met in Cape Town when  our children became friends. Conversations around our shared interests in history, technology and Cape Town’s District Six got us speculating about social justice pedagogies in our respective disciplines. Our preliminary discussions revealed  many parallels in our approaches but also intriguing  distinctions, enough to seed a… Read more »

AR Books for Children

Reading Time: 8 minutes Children’s literature has always been a genre curious to experiment and play with media. Just think of pop-up-books and how the Alice in Wonderland adaptation Alice for the iPad (2010) by Atomic Antelope was one of the first apps to explore the features of the iPad. Since the introduction of the iPad in 2010, several… Read more »

Virtual Reality Literature: Examples and Potentials

Reading Time: 7 minutes Way back in the wilds of the year 2008, artist-extraordinaire James Morgan and I engaged in an animated discussion about Augmented and Virtual Reality. At that time James and I were collaborators-in-crime in the Third Faction Collective, a group of digital artists intent on constructing game interventions in Massively Multiplayer Online Spaces. During this discussion,… Read more »