Reading Time: < 1 minute Screenshots is a weekly feature by Simon Groth, highlighting a project, app, or other resource of interest. A Modern Ghost By Stef Orzech My writer-bias is showing in the byline above since this app’s creators take great pains to attribute it collectively to AltSalt, the ‘digital literature studio’ from which it emerged. Indeed, the drive… Read more »
Articles Tagged: multimedia
A Short History of Location-based Writing
Amy Spencer
Reading Time: 3 minutes Imagine a narrative woven through a city street. As a reader you can access fragments of story by navigating a physical space using a digital device such as a smartphone or tablet. As you walk past a library, you might be told about the history of the books inside. Walking part a church might trigger… Read more »
A Poetry Inspired Animation
Liam Owen, Steve Ronnie
Reading Time: 4 minutes An email exchange between Stevie Ronnie and Liam Owen reflecting on the making of Four Years from Now, Walking with My Daughter. An animation by Liam Owen inspired by Stevie Ronnie’s poem of the same name. SR: So Liam, you’re not a big reader of poetry. What made you think about making an animation from my poem?… Read more »
A Brief Introduction to Film Poetry
Lucy English
Reading Time: 3 minutes Firstly, what are poetry films? One thing they are not (although they can be) is films of people reading or reciting poetry. Confused? Even the name of the genre is disputed. Poetry films appear under different guises as ‘poetryfilms’, ‘filmpoems, ‘video poems’, ‘multimedia poetry’, ‘e-poetry’ and ‘screen poetry’. Broadly speaking they are a combining of poetry/words,… Read more »
Inanimate Alice: Her Unexpected Rise from Marketing Tool to Pedagogical Blockbuster
Kate Pullinger
Reading Time: 5 minutes In 2006 Chris Joseph and I were commissioned to create a series of interactive stories for a marketing campaign for a feature film that didn’t exist. From that inauspicious beginning, Inanimate Alice has gone on to become one of the most popular digital stories for educators around the world, from primary to doctoral level. How… Read more »