Posts By: Amy Spencer

Four Rules for Sandwriting

Reading Time: 8 minutes There is sand in the motors and in the corners of my eyes. The few notes I’ve made are smudged with rain and when my fingers become too cold, I sacrifice writing for the shelter of my coat pockets. For the last few months I’ve been writing on, into and with the muddy sands of… Read more »

Rupture: An Experiment with Born-Digital Prose

Reading Time: 6 minutes When I first began writing my short story ‘Rupture’, I didn’t intend to work with artists I’d never met to produce a piece incorporating animated visuals and sound; this collaborative process came about as the project evolved. Initially, I had the fundamental elements of a primarily print-based work: I tapped into an omniscient narrator who… Read more »

The Digital Journey of RadioBook Rwanda

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Reading Time: 9 minutes In the run up to the launch of RadioBook Rwanda in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali, the three young creatives behind the international publishing project reflect on the digital journey of their new imprint.               RadioBook Rwanda is a multimedia literary imprint showcasing creative voices from Rwanda and East Africa. It’s… Read more »

Next Generation Paper

Reading Time: 9 minutes Despite the rise of digital devices and associated media, paper does not seem to be disappearing anytime soon. In fact, most print-based documents, including books, tend to be used alongside digital devices, in educational (i.e. textbooks and laptops) and leisure (i.e. guidebooks and smartphones) contexts for example. The Next Generation Paper Project (NGP) is a… Read more »

Online learning, offline: Fiction writing learning circles at Boston Public Library


Reading Time: 4 minutes Too often, education programs are expensive, hierarchical, lonely, and not particularly relevant to what people want to learn. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. In 2009, Peer 2 Peer University was founded as a non-profit organization with the aim of creating empowering and fun learning experiences online. For five years, P2PU helped organizations… Read more »

The Challenges of HayleyWorld

Reading Time: 7 minutes Back in the late 1990s, I started trying to write a biography of William Hayley (1745-1820), man of letters, amateur doctor and champion of women’s writing, and someone whose private life was, shall we say, interesting. I tried to write his biography, but although there was a fascinating tale (many fascinating tales) to draw out,… Read more »

Call for Papers: MIX 2019: Experiential Storytelling

Reading Time: 2 minutes After the success of the last four MIX conferences, MIX 2019 returns to the beautiful surroundings of Bath Spa University’s Corsham Court Campus in Wiltshire on the 1st and 2nd July 2019. This year’s conference will be a more intimate, single strand version, curated for a smaller audience to give time and space to instigate… Read more »

Hands Up for Digital Humanities – Find the Gap

Reading Time: 8 minutes Welcome to the third article in this series where we’re dissecting the multifarious entity of Digital Humanities (DH). To understand the context and scope of this series, and to consider the research questions upon which the investigation is based, please view the previous articles here and here. We’ll also be referring to my online survey… Read more »