Articles by Matt Finch

An Interview With: Matt Finch

Matt Finch

Reading Time: 7 minutes Matt Finch writes and helps communities, companies, and institutions around the world to do useful and surprising new things. His latest digital work is the interactive narrative, The Library of Last Resort. You have a varied background including a Ph.D. in Modern Intellectual History. How did you arrive at this nexus of strategy, storytelling and technology? I wrote… Read more »

This Digital Life: Mums, Dogs, and Inmates (3 of 3)

Matt Finch

Reading Time: 8 minutes This is the final installment of a three-part series on the work of the University of Southern Queensland’s Digital Life Lab. Part 1 & Part 2 “Not my world. Not my accent. Not my story.” We could be talking about marginalised communities working with visiting artists, or institutions trying to address social exclusion. We could… Read more »

This Digital Life: Mums, Dogs, and Inmates (2 of 3)

Matt Finch

Reading Time: 6 minutes This is the second of a three-part series on the work of the University of Queensland’s Digital Life Lab. Find Part 1 here. Last time, we touched on a quote by the father of ubiquitous computing, Mark Weiser. Twenty years ago, he wrote that, “Machines that fit the human environment, instead of forcing humans to… Read more »

This Digital Life: Mums, Dogs, and Inmates (1 of 3)

Matt Finch

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s always, ultimately, been about writing your own story. Modern information science and technology – the knowledge and practices that underpin the ways we entertain and inform ourselves, store knowledge, contact public representatives, commit crime or enforce the law, manage our finances or our health – have been wildly transformed since the heyday of the… Read more »

Everyday Stories and Creativity: Regional Queensland and Transformative Technology

Matt Finch

Reading Time: 3 minutes Australia is a big country. Queensland is a big state in a big country, one that is particularly geographically dispersed and politically fractured. It is also home to some of the poorest areas in Australia that experience many barriers to accessing for arts and cultural activities.  Government regional arts programs have the potential to develop and… Read more »

What Are You Playing At? State Library of Queensland’s Digital Comic Maker

Matt Finch

Reading Time: 6 minutes Why would an Aussie library get its designers to build a drag and drop comics website? Aren’t there already plenty of free comic makers online? What are you even playing at? Last year, Talia Yat and Phil Gullberg of the State Library of Queensland’s innovation space the Edge built the Fun Palaces Comic Maker. It was… Read more »