Articles Tagged: impact

Digital Corsham Lunchtime Talks: Philip Hensher

Reading Time: < 1 minute Writer Kate Pullinger, Editor of The Writing Platform, is also a professor at Bath Spa University, co-sponsors of The Writing Platform. At Bath Spa, Pullinger runs a series of lunchtime talks, aimed at all the postgraduate writing students who study at the Corsham Court Campus. These talks, Digital Corsham, are given by writers, academics, publishers,… Read more »

Jacob Sam-La Rose: the impact of digital on writing

Words of Colour Productions

Reading Time: < 1 minute Word of Colour Productions interviewed the self confessed tech geek, writer and editor Jacob Sam-La Rose on the impact of digital platforms and trends on his writing for The Writing Platform. In 2012, Jacob’s poetry collection ‘Breaking Silence’ (Bloodaxe) was shortlisted for both the Forward Felix Dennis Award and the Aldeburgh Fenton Award. A techie… Read more »

An Introduction to The Writing Platform

Kate Pullinger

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to The Writing Platform! Our aim is to provide neutral information and informed opinion on digital transformations in writing, reading, and publishing. In the build-up to the launch of this site, we’ve been surveying writers on their digital needs; a complex, fascinating picture of writers today has emerged. For more on the results of… Read more »