Articles Tagged: website

Screenshots: Beemgee

Reading Time: 2 minutes Screenshots is a regular feature by Simon Groth, highlighting a project, app, or other resource of interest. Beemgee An online authoring tool Beemgee is a web-based tool designed demystify complex narrative, breaking it down into its components, and step its users through the minutiae of storytelling, one concept at a time. Essentially, it is a… Read more »

Digital workshops for writers at Mix 2013

The Writing Platform Team

Reading Time: < 1 minute Following the success of the MIX DIGITAL Conference 2012, The Writing Platform is partnering with Bath Spa University to co-host a second MIX Conference this July. The three-day series of events will take place at Bath Spa University’s Corsham Court campus, a Grade One-listed Jacobean mansion in the bucolic Wiltshire landscape. Day Three of the… Read more »

Website or Social Media: The modern writer’s conundrum

Kristen Harrison, The Curved House

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’re considering developing your web presence you are probably wondering whether it’s better to build a website, start a blog, or join Twitter, Facebook and the many other social media platforms available today. If you are lucky enough to have the golden trifecta: time, ability and money, then by all means, do it all!… Read more »