Articles Tagged: poetry

Building Words in Minecraft: Bursary 2015, Diary 2

Reading Time: < 1 minute Victoria Bennett and Adam Clarke form one of two teams we are supporting through the 2015 Writing Platform Bursary Programme, in association with Creative Writing at Bath Spa University.  Victoria’s and Adam’s project uses Minecraft to immerse the player in the experience of a poem and expand the idea of what literature and video games can be…. Read more »

The New Publisher: Penned in The Margins

Reading Time: 3 minutes The publishing industry has undergone many changes over the last few years, many of which can be attributed to the disruptions brought about by digital technologies. Alongside the rise of self-/ indie- publishing we are also seeing new types of publisher emerge, publishers who are turning traditional models and methods on their head and finding… Read more »

PoetryFilm Open Call for Submissions

Reading Time: < 1 minute PoetryFilm, launched in 2002 by Malgorzata Kitowski, celebrates films based on poems, poems turned into films, collaborations, text-based films, and other avant-garde text/image/sound  material. It is  inviting submissions for a forthcoming series. All themes and topics are welcome. There are also a number of specific themed events coming so work exploring these topics is particularly… Read more »

A Brief Introduction to Film Poetry

Reading Time: 3 minutes Firstly, what are poetry films? One thing they are not (although they can be) is films of people reading or reciting poetry. Confused? Even the name of the genre is disputed. Poetry films appear under different guises as ‘poetryfilms’, ‘filmpoems, ‘video poems’, ‘multimedia poetry’, ‘e-poetry’ and ‘screen poetry’. Broadly speaking they are a combining of poetry/words,… Read more »