Reading Time: 4 minutes The Writing Platform has partnered with Arts Council England to run an advice session about funding for digital writers. The event is taking place on Wednesday 8th April, 6.30pm – 8.30pm at Arts Council’s London offices 21 Bloomsbury street, London, WC1B 3HF Places are free but limited to 20. To book your place email Charlotte Aston on… Read more »
Article Archive: Resource
Online Presence: Pros, Perils and Possibilities
Angela Slatter
Reading Time: 5 minutes I often hear newer writers (of varying ages) say they want their writing to speak for itself. They’re filled with disdain for publishers who look for an online presence, and utterly scornful of writers who actively and efficiently use social media to their advantage. What I generally say to such writers (after I stop laughing)… Read more »
Ten Tips for Writers When Contacting Book Bloggers
Simon Savidge
Reading Time: 5 minutes When The Writing Platform asked me if I would be so kind as to write something about how you lovely writers out there could approach bloggers I was really honoured. Yet after I had written down my initial ‘top tips’ I started to worry. You see in this article you may see the word ‘don’t’… Read more »
Metadata: A Guide for the Perplexed
Azar Hussain
Reading Time: 5 minutes ‘Anyway, those tickets, the old ones, they didn’t tell you where you were going, much less where you came from. He couldn’t remember seeing any dates on them either, and there was certainly no mention of time. It was all different now, of course. All this information. Archie wondered why this was’. — White Teeth by Zadie… Read more »
The Benefits Of Crowdfunding For Authors
Justine Schofield
Reading Time: 2 minutes Crowdfunding enables entrepreneurs and business savvy creatives to launch their projects or ideas with the help of financial backing from the crowd. Though crowdfunding is a relatively new concept, the industry is growing rapidly. According to crowdfunding trends and statistics presented by Crowd Mapped, crowdfunding raised $5.1 billion at the close of 2013, up from $2.66… Read more »
How To Storybird
Molly O'Neill
Reading Time: 2 minutes Storybird is a publishing platform and community based around visual storytelling. We curate illustrations from artists around the world and let anyone use them as the inspiration for original picture books, poems, or long-form, serialized stories. This simple premise inspires a constant loop of creation, consumption, and conversation for the millions of kids and creatives… Read more »
7 Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make
Miral Sattar
Reading Time: 2 minutes The book publishing industry is going through a huge transition. It’s easier than ever to get a book out into the world. All the resources you need to publish a book are available you and you no longer need to go through the traditional gatekeepers (publishers) to publish a quality book. Because it’s so easy… Read more »
5 Examples of Transmedia Storytelling and Activism
Donna Hancox
Reading Time: 5 minutes At the start of the year our Australian Project Editor, Donna Hancox, wrote a piece for us on Transmedia Storytelling and Social Change; describing how digital technology has provided certain communities and activists with the means to quickly create and widely disseminate stories. To follow on from this she has written up 5 examples of this… Read more »
A Short History of Location-based Writing
Amy Spencer
Reading Time: 3 minutes Imagine a narrative woven through a city street. As a reader you can access fragments of story by navigating a physical space using a digital device such as a smartphone or tablet. As you walk past a library, you might be told about the history of the books inside. Walking part a church might trigger… Read more »
Immersive Writing Lab Series #5: Memories, Rituals and Emotional States
Mike Jones
Reading Time: 7 minutes If you’re a writer interested in finding out more about immersive entertainment – discovering how your audiences can be immersed and play an active part in your story – then we have a great series of specialist immersive writing guides made available to The Writing Platform by Portal Entertainment and the Immersive Writing Lab team. The guides, created by… Read more »