Articles Tagged: tools

Screenshots: Beemgee

Reading Time: 2 minutes Screenshots is a regular feature by Simon Groth, highlighting a project, app, or other resource of interest. Beemgee An online authoring tool Beemgee is a web-based tool designed demystify complex narrative, breaking it down into its components, and step its users through the minutiae of storytelling, one concept at a time. Essentially, it is a… Read more »

5 Good Online Productivity Tools For Writers

Molly Flatt

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ah, tools. Such a seductive word, with that tactile, workmanlike ring. And such seductive implications. Accumulating tools feels like the very opposite of time wasting. Tools promise to transform us into humble, brine-browed word-carpenters, conscientiously whittling our masterpieces in brain-workshops full of sunshine and space, while topless, and grunting. In short, tools rule. Of course,… Read more »