Article Archive: Experience

Story Above All Else: Story+ 2014

Reading Time: 3 minutes Story+ is a two-day event at Brisbane Writers Festival which explores the intersection of story, narrative, technology and design. This year the one theme that consistently emerged from the discussions, panels and workshops was that story towers above all mediums. As Portal Entertainment’s Mike Jones explained in his keynote, no technology has ever changed what… Read more »

The New Publisher: The Friday Project

Reading Time: 4 minutes The publishing industry has undergone many changes over the last few years, many of which can be attributed to the disruptions brought about by digital technologies. Alongside the rise of self-/ indie- publishing we are also seeing new types of publisher emerge, publishers who are turning traditional models and methods on their head and finding… Read more »

Nearlyology: Making a Transmedia Novel in a Transmedia Way

Reading Time: 4 minutes “Beyond the middle of the journey of life what we’ve done and nearly done begin to blur. Far more things nearly happen than happen … The universe is held together by the dust of human kind’s nearlyincidence. So says The Nearlyologist Manifesto. I’m a nearlywriter, making a transmedia novel in a transmedia way, nearly a book… Read more »

The New Publisher: Penned in The Margins

Reading Time: 3 minutes The publishing industry has undergone many changes over the last few years, many of which can be attributed to the disruptions brought about by digital technologies. Alongside the rise of self-/ indie- publishing we are also seeing new types of publisher emerge, publishers who are turning traditional models and methods on their head and finding… Read more »

Writing Subversive Games: Pitfalls and Potentials

Mez Breeze

Reading Time: 5 minutes One rainy evening somewhere at the early end of 1997, I found myself hepped up on adrenaline while zigzagging through a dungeon. Even though I was being hunted through mazelike hallways by grappling-hook-flinging assailants, I still somehow managed to maintain my grasp on a large red flag and ebony nail gun. …and thus was my… Read more »

Richard House on the Digital Development of The Kills

Richard House

Reading Time: 5 minutes It’s a little tricky trying to recall just how ‘The Kills‘ developed. The books were pitched as a series of inter-related novels, and in the first discussion with publisher Paul Baggaley and editor Kris Doyle, it became obvious that Picador, if they took on the project, would want to do more than publish the novel… Read more »