Article Archive: Experience

Anyone Can Play: Platforms for experimenting and collaborating

Joanna Ellis

Reading Time: 4 minutes The survey conducted by The Writing Platform prior to launch firmly busted the ‘writer in the garret’ myth. Over 60% of the writers who responded expressed a desire to collaborate and a significant portion also expressed a hunger to experiment and push the boundaries of their creative practice. Experimentation and collaboration come in many guises,… Read more »

An Introduction to The Writing Platform

Kate Pullinger

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to The Writing Platform! Our aim is to provide neutral information and informed opinion on digital transformations in writing, reading, and publishing. In the build-up to the launch of this site, we’ve been surveying writers on their digital needs; a complex, fascinating picture of writers today has emerged. For more on the results of… Read more »

Website or Social Media: The modern writer’s conundrum

Kristen Harrison, The Curved House

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’re considering developing your web presence you are probably wondering whether it’s better to build a website, start a blog, or join Twitter, Facebook and the many other social media platforms available today. If you are lucky enough to have the golden trifecta: time, ability and money, then by all means, do it all!… Read more »

Digital Corsham Lunchtime Talks: Naomi Alderman

Reading Time: < 1 minute Writer Kate Pullinger, Editor of The Writing Platform, is also a professor at Bath Spa University, co-sponsors of The Writing Platform. At Bath Spa, Pullinger runs a series of lunchtime talks, aimed at all the postgraduate writing students who study at the Corsham Court Campus. These talks, Digital Corsham, are given by writers, academics, publishers,… Read more »

Understanding What Readers Want

Kassia Krozser

Reading Time: 9 minutes I don’t remember learning to read, but I clearly remember the day I learned I could read. I was entrusted with a note for my lovely kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Hicks. The note asked that I be excused from school for a doctor’s appointment. As I – quite possibly for the first time in my life… Read more »

Ten Author Websites That Really do the Business

Simon Appleby

Reading Time: 5 minutes Simon Appleby, director of digital agency Bookswarm, highlights ten websites that do their authors justice on the web. Hopefully there’s not a writer alive who doesn’t believe they need a website – there are so many good reasons for having one that even if you don’t agree with all of them, you ought to agree… Read more »