Posts By: Pia Wikstrom

The Homeless World Cup: tackling homelessness, playing football and telling stories


Reading Time: 8 minutes How a social enterprise uses football and digital media to bring the problems and perceptions of homelessness into play. Homelessness—one of the world’s most intractable, wicked problems, which is compounded by poor awareness and great stigma—affects millions of people worldwide. Combining an event involving a globally recognised sport—football (soccer)—and an array of digital media tools… Read more »

Versions of Paradise

Reading Time: 5 minutes Recently, my collection of flash fiction, The Paradise Project, was published simultaneously as an ebook and in a book-arts edition using technology that would have been familiar to Johannes Gutenberg: hand-set type impressed on handmade paper with a hand-operated press. As the two versions progressed, I had a stunning realisation: publishing has circled back to its… Read more »

The Muted Gestures of Small Press

Reading Time: 6 minutes As a publisher of short-run artist books, I often feel like each publication I make is being thrown into a forest. I run over, look around, repeatedly glance over my spreadsheet of sales, and wonder if it has made a sound. With the proliferation of e-books, blogs, and other (free) forms of online publishing, the… Read more »

Rife Magazine’s Unbound Anthology

Reading Time: 3 minutes There’s no getting away from it – it’s a tough moment in time for young people. The life landmarks our parents ticked off in their twenties are being swept aside thanks to economic crises much bigger than ourselves, and the choices we make for ourselves in reaction to these circumstances are laughed at or criticised by… Read more »

Watch STORY+ from Brisbane Writers Festival 2016

Reading Time: < 1 minute 2016 Story+ retured to Brisbane Writers Festival (BWF) for its fourth year with internationally renowned award winning writer and digital creator Kate Pullinger and Google Creative Labs Director Tea Uglow  in conversation with Dr Donna Hancox about the Future of Literature at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. This signature event offered the audiences a chance to explore our digital futures with two… Read more »

What Are You Playing At? State Library of Queensland’s Digital Comic Maker

Reading Time: 6 minutes Why would an Aussie library get its designers to build a drag and drop comics website? Aren’t there already plenty of free comic makers online? What are you even playing at? Last year, Talia Yat and Phil Gullberg of the State Library of Queensland’s innovation space the Edge built the Fun Palaces Comic Maker. It was… Read more »

The Making of a 100-year poem

Reading Time: 4 minutes For the past two years I have been working on Arctica, an interdisciplinary art project encompassing poetry, photography, visual art, performance, film, artist’s books and a digital public artwork. The project began after I visited the High Arctic in 2013 for an artist’s residency as part of The Arctic Circle programme. The Arctic environment is unique, fragile and rapidly… Read more »

The Digital Literary Atlas of Wales

Reading Time: 7 minutes Since taking on my role in the team building the Digital Literary Atlas of Wales, I’ve been lucky enough to visit some spectacularly uninteresting places: motorway service stations, forgettable B&amp;Bs, generic fast food outlets, characterless pubs. I’ve spent countless hours in my battered little blue car, crawling behind tractors on snaking mid-Welsh B-roads, swearing loudly… Read more »