Posts By: Pia Wikstrom

The Hidden Systems of Academic Writing – 6 Findings from Research

Reading Time: 7 minutes We’ve been working with The London School of Economics’ Impact blog to explain the findings of our user research into academic writing. Over January and February this year, we interviewed 23 scholars across the world to help us get a better understanding of how they write — the practices they adopt, the processes they use and the… Read more »

New Media Writing Prize: the First Eight Years

Reading Time: 7 minutes   Beginnings and developments In 2010 when we began this adventure into new forms of writing, we had no real idea what we would receive as entries. A colleague of mine, Sue Luminati, was creating the first (and as it turned out, only) Poole Literary Festival. Sue pulled off a great success with some terrific… Read more »

Between Fjords And Power Cords: The Fulbright Adventures Of Writing Digital in Norway

Reading Time: 7 minutes Syringes And Walls And Foundations It’s December, midway through my Fulbright year in Bergen, Norway. My wife, digital artist Alinta Krauth and I live on the third floor of a mansion. It’s a stately building landed on a high hump between mountains and waterways and owned by the University of Bergen.  The building is, like… Read more »

Opening Up Digital Fiction Writing Competition 2.0

Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s been an exciting year for digital fiction: we saw a major work emerge in the mainstream, for the mainstream, and turn into a viral hit – Jon Bois’s 17776: What Football Will Look Like in the Future. The mobile digital fiction platform oolipo was launched, and Dreaming Methods and Mez Breeze’s All the Delicate… Read more »

CALL TO ACADEMICS: Short Essays on Theory or Practice

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Writing Platform offers a unique environment to publish academic writing that focuses on non-traditional research outputs and non-traditional research methods. We publish at intersection between technology and writing and support sharing knowledge that is underrepresented in traditional academic publishing.  TWP connects you with your community of scholars and provides the capacity for high impact… Read more »

The Audience Enwrapped: Prototyping 360 Video as an Immersive Story Form

Reading Time: 8 minutes The virtual reality (VR) showcase held behind the festival main stage felt like a scene from William Gibson’s prophetic novel Neuromancer. In the dimly lit digital den filled with trendy twenty-somethings, attendees waited in line to hack their minds with headgear displaying digital fantasies. This scene is becoming increasingly more frequent around the world, whether at… Read more »

Lilian’s Spell Book – My Wattpad Novel

Reading Time: 8 minutes I have tried again and again to become another person. I have spent years trying to think my way into different people’s heads, language, rhythms. These people have sometimes been real people. More often they have been narrators and characters. Sometimes, though, they have been writers – writers I tried to be. One was the… Read more »

Things Rarely Turn Out the Way I Intend Them To

Reading Time: 8 minutes A version of this illustrated article was given by J.R. Carpenter as a Keynote Address at the New Media Writing Prize Award Event at Bournemouth University in January 2017.  Things Rarely Turn Out the Way I Intend Them To According to a note, I wrote in a primary school scrapbook when I was eleven years… Read more »

Response to our Call for Digital Utopias: The Hide

Reading Time: 14 minutes Rob Sherman responded to our Call for Digital Utopias pieces with ‘The Hide’ . We’re thrilled to publish this short fiction, a creative practice response which has arisen out of Rob’s on-going academic research into robots and Artificial Intelligence.  This piece is a distillation of some fascinating research into affective robotics and human-robot-interaction; research that has… Read more »

Everyday Stories and Creativity: Regional Queensland and Transformative Technology


Reading Time: 3 minutes Australia is a big country. Queensland is a big state in a big country, one that is particularly geographically dispersed and politically fractured. It is also home to some of the poorest areas in Australia that experience many barriers to accessing for arts and cultural activities.  Government regional arts programs have the potential to develop and… Read more »