Article Archive: Experience

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Reading Time: 8 minutes   This article has been adapted from a talk delivered at the Pervasive Media Studio in Bristol (26/10/18), as part of the Friday lunchtime open talk series. This book was written in an urge to remember, reflect, mourn, overthink, celebrate, and seek meaning in the transparent, or otherwise irrational dynamics of human relationships; while extending… Read more »

Hands Up for Digital Humanities – Roadworks Required

Reading Time: 6 minutes Welcome to the second article in this series where we’re dissecting the multifarious entity of Digital Humanities (DH). To understand the context and scope of this series, and to consider the research questions upon which the investigation is based, please view the first article here. We’ll also be referring to my online survey Hands Up for Digital… Read more »

New Media Writing Prize: the First Eight Years

Reading Time: 7 minutes   Beginnings and developments In 2010 when we began this adventure into new forms of writing, we had no real idea what we would receive as entries. A colleague of mine, Sue Luminati, was creating the first (and as it turned out, only) Poole Literary Festival. Sue pulled off a great success with some terrific… Read more »

Breathe – a digital ghost story

Reading Time: 3 minutes What happens when a story comes to you where you are reading? What new types of storytelling are made possible when narrative accesses technology to personalise itself to you? Breathe is a digital ghost story to be read on your phone. It tells the story of a young woman, Flo, who can communicate with the… Read more »

Should a Great Writer Ever Feed the Dolphins?

Reading Time: 11 minutes What follows is the text of a talk given by Dan Franklin for a seminar called Reading the Data: Informatics and Contemporary Literary Production, co-hosted by the Ambient Literature research project and Bath Spa University’s Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries The title of this talk is ‘Should a Great Writer ever feed the dolphins?’… Read more »

Five Things I Learned from Episodic

Reading Time: 3 minutes There were a lot of things to like about the Episodic conference that took place in London in October. Run by the Storythings team, it featured a range of interesting speakers working in podcasts, games, comics, and TV, an engaging host in Anna Higgs, and a lovely, friendly audience. I hope they do another one…. Read more »

Thoughts on the weaponisation of failure

Reading Time: 4 minutes All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. This is the phrase. Adopted as a pep-talk by silicon valley Imagineers and tech startups, by creative writing students and university lecturers. It doesn’t mean what you think it does. It isn’t a hopeful phrase, isn’t an entreaty to… Read more »