Articles Tagged: writing

Crossing Continents With Transmedia

Barry Nugent

Reading Time: 4 minutes The first time someone mentioned the term transmedia to me I was already collaborating with four project teams. We were working to produce a comic anthology centered on my urban fantasy novel Fallen Heroes. I was also co-writing the first episode of an audio drama spin off. The name I gave to this transmedia project… Read more »

Immersive Writing Lab Series #2: How To Create Characters

Mike Jones, Portal Entertainment

Reading Time: 7 minutes If you’re a writer interested in finding out more about immersive entertainment – discovering how your audiences can be immersed and play an active part in your story – then we have a great series of specialist immersive writing guides made available to The Writing Platform by Portal Entertainment and the Immersive Writing Lab team. The guides, created by… Read more »

5 Good Online Productivity Tools For Writers

Molly Flatt

Reading Time: 5 minutes Ah, tools. Such a seductive word, with that tactile, workmanlike ring. And such seductive implications. Accumulating tools feels like the very opposite of time wasting. Tools promise to transform us into humble, brine-browed word-carpenters, conscientiously whittling our masterpieces in brain-workshops full of sunshine and space, while topless, and grunting. In short, tools rule. Of course,… Read more »

10 Myths About Social Media

Molly Flatt

Reading Time: 4 minutes What the hell happened with social media? We were told that the fierce publishing-industry lion wouldst lay down with the fragile disenfranchised-author lamb and share the cool bounty of the literary watering hole. They promised that we’d be able to get all warm and snuggly with readers across the world while just happening to shift… Read more »

Jacob Sam-La Rose: the impact of digital on writing

Words of Colour Productions

Reading Time: < 1 minute Word of Colour Productions interviewed the self confessed tech geek, writer and editor Jacob Sam-La Rose on the impact of digital platforms and trends on his writing for The Writing Platform. In 2012, Jacob’s poetry collection ‘Breaking Silence’ (Bloodaxe) was shortlisted for both the Forward Felix Dennis Award and the Aldeburgh Fenton Award. A techie… Read more »

Anyone Can Play: Platforms for experimenting and collaborating

Joanna Ellis

Reading Time: 4 minutes The survey conducted by The Writing Platform prior to launch firmly busted the ‘writer in the garret’ myth. Over 60% of the writers who responded expressed a desire to collaborate and a significant portion also expressed a hunger to experiment and push the boundaries of their creative practice. Experimentation and collaboration come in many guises,… Read more »

An Introduction to The Writing Platform

Kate Pullinger

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to The Writing Platform! Our aim is to provide neutral information and informed opinion on digital transformations in writing, reading, and publishing. In the build-up to the launch of this site, we’ve been surveying writers on their digital needs; a complex, fascinating picture of writers today has emerged. For more on the results of… Read more »

Immersive Writing Lab Series #1: How to create a Storyworld

Mike Jones, Portal Entertainment

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you’re a writer interested in finding out more about immersive entertainment – discovering how your audiences can be immersed and play an active part in your story – then we have a great series of specialist immersive writing guides made available to The Writing Platform by Portal Entertainment and the Immersive Writing Lab team…. Read more »